Willoughby Senior Center

38032 Brown Ave.
Willoughby, Ohio 44094




Willoghby Senior Center provides a variety of informational, cultural and leisure activities in a positive and helpful atmosphere for individuals 55 and over. Programs and Activities include Tai Chi, Volleyball, Basketball, Table Tennis, Gym walking, Chair fitness, Lo-Impact Aerobics, Tap Dancing Classes, Line Dancing Classes, Power Yoga, Fit-Ones, and Shuffleboard and Cornhole are some of the activities offered. Check out our Fit-Well program offering access to Ellipticals, Recumbent Bikes, a 5 station work out, treadmills, rowing machine and so much more. A personal trainer is available. Our Arts programs offer  Violin lessons, Jewelry making and different painting classes. The Senior Center thrives on the many helping hands of volunteers. You will find volunteers in the Info Center helping with daily operations, on the Board of Trustees, fund raising, assisting with programs and special events. Volunteers maintain and upkeep the Library and Billiards room. Volunteers also provide entertainment to the community through the ‘Browning Singers,’ the ‘FYT’s’ (Forever Young Tappers) and the ’3-String Dulcies’ (dulcimer group). 

Categories: Dining, Entertainment, Family, Recreation

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